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Welcome to the WACHS Library

Librarian's hours: 9am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)

Website: The Library's website provides WACHS staff with 24/7 self-serve access to the Library's resources via any internet-enabled device

Contact details: 

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Select a tab to search the WACHS Library's holdings

Use Discovery Search to search both across (title level) and within (content level) of the Library's e-resources.

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User Guide

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How to find the full-text for a specific article


DOI or PMID search

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Type or paste a DOI name, e.g. 10.1093/infdis/jiaa429 into the text box below.

Be sure to enter all of the characters before and after the slash.

Do not include extra characters, or sentence punctuation marks.


No DOI/PMID? Use "Fetch item (citation) linker"


Need further assistance?

Complete an online article/book chapter request form.

Consult the Library's "Full Text Access" guide for further tips on accessing full text.

Journals A-Z - Finding a specific eJournal title

Search the Library's eJournal holdings by title.

This is the most reliable way to find out if the Library has a subscription to a specific eJournal title.



BrowZine - Browsing eJournals

BrowZine allows you to access and browse e-journals from different publishers in one simple interface.

Enter journal title, ISSN or subject keyword(s)


With BrowZine you can:

  • Read scholarly journals on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • Create a personal bookshelf of favourite journals.
  • Link to the full-text of articles if available via the Library's subscriptions.
  • Bookmark articles for reading later.
  • Be alerted when new issues of a journal are available.
  • Easily save to Endnote, Refworks, Zotero, Dropbox, or Mendely 


  • Not all Library eJournal subscription titles are indexed by BrowZine.
  • Journals A-Z is the most reliable way to find out if the Library has a subscription to a specific eJournal title.
  • The Library does not have full-text subscriptions to all the eJournals indexed by Browzine.

Go mobile!

  • Download the app (available for iPhone/iPad and for Android tablets and smartphones)
    • On the Settings page select WA Country Health Service as your library, and then enter your usual WA Health network ID and password.
    • Register to create an account.

eBooks A-Z - Finding eBooks

Search the Library's eBook holdings by title and subject.

It is the most reliable way to find out if the Library has a subscription to a specific eBook title.

Related link:

Search the holdings of the WA Health Libraries

Keep in mind:

  • The WACHS Library does not have a print collection - all WACHS holdings are electronic.
  • It can take up to two months to get a print book to you - Please consider requesting a book chapter instead.
  • The e-books of the other WA Health Libraries are not available to loan due to commercial licensing restrictions.
  • Use the WACHS Library's eBooks A-Z to determine if the Library has a subscription to a specific eBook title.

WA Health Catalogue search

Search the Library Catalogue