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Welcome to the WACHS Library

Seasons greetings to our clients. WACHS library services, including document delivery, international standard unlocking, and literature searching services, will be closed from Monday 16 December due to staff leave, with services recommencing Monday 6 January. The inbox will be monitored once a day during standard business hours during this time.

IMPORTANT: Access Issues with Therapeutic Guidelines - 19/12/2024

There are currently some performance issues with the Therapeutic Guidelines website. In particular, when you first access Therapeutic Guidelines via your web browser, there may be a delay of several minutes while the guidelines load. The vendor is aware of these issues and is currently working on resolving them. Please be aware there are also issues with the app version(s) at present.

Accessing Therapeutic Guidelines from your mobile. When you access TG from the Library's links you will be recognised as having access, and all Therapeutic Guidelines content will be downloaded to your mobile device when you access it for the first time. If there are any new updates your phone will pick these up and download them automatically when you have an internet connection.

Please delete any existing TG app from your device and access Therapeutic Guidelines from the WACHS Library website on your device until we are able to provide instructions on setting up the new app.

Librarian's hours: 9am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)

Website: The Library's website provides WACHS staff with 24/7 self-serve access to the Library's resources via any internet-enabled device

Contact details: 

How did we do? Please answer this short questionnaire with reference to specific information or a specific service provided recently:

Select a tab to search the WACHS Library's holdings

Use Discovery Search to search both across (title level) and within (content level) of the Library's e-resources.

Search for information on a topic


Advanced Search

User Guide

Set up an account to save searches & set up custom alerts:   Sign up | Log in


How to find the full-text for a specific article


DOI or PMID search

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Type or paste a DOI name, e.g. 10.1093/infdis/jiaa429 into the text box below.

Be sure to enter all of the characters before and after the slash.

Do not include extra characters, or sentence punctuation marks.


No DOI/PMID? Use "Fetch item (citation) linker"


Need further assistance?

Complete an online article/book chapter request form.

Consult the Library's "Full Text Access" guide for further tips on accessing full text.

Journals A-Z - Finding a specific eJournal title

Search the Library's eJournal holdings by title.

This is the most reliable way to find out if the Library has a subscription to a specific eJournal title.



BrowZine - Browsing eJournals

BrowZine allows you to access and browse e-journals from different publishers in one simple interface.

Enter journal title, ISSN or subject keyword(s)


With BrowZine you can:

  • Read scholarly journals on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • Create a personal bookshelf of favourite journals.
  • Link to the full-text of articles if available via the Library's subscriptions.
  • Bookmark articles for reading later.
  • Be alerted when new issues of a journal are available.
  • Easily save to Endnote, Refworks, Zotero, Dropbox, or Mendely 


  • Not all Library eJournal subscription titles are indexed by BrowZine.
  • Journals A-Z is the most reliable way to find out if the Library has a subscription to a specific eJournal title.
  • The Library does not have full-text subscriptions to all the eJournals indexed by Browzine.

Go mobile!

  • Download the app (available for iPhone/iPad and for Android tablets and smartphones)
    • On the Settings page select WA Country Health Service as your library, and then enter your usual WA Health network ID and password.
    • Register to create an account.

eBooks A-Z - Finding eBooks

Search the Library's eBook holdings by title and subject.

It is the most reliable way to find out if the Library has a subscription to a specific eBook title.

Related link:

Search the holdings of the WA Health Libraries

Keep in mind:

  • The WACHS Library does not have a print collection - all WACHS holdings are electronic.
  • It can take up to two months to get a print book to you - Please consider requesting a book chapter instead.
  • The e-books of the other WA Health Libraries are not available to loan due to commercial licensing restrictions.
  • Use the WACHS Library's eBooks A-Z to determine if the Library has a subscription to a specific eBook title.

WA Health Catalogue search

Search the Library Catalogue