Evidence-informed clinical practice involves the best external evidence, your clinical expertise and patient values and expectations.
The Evidence-Based Medicine Triad
Evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) is "the process of distilling and disseminating the best available evidence from research, practice and experience and using that evidence to inform and improve public health policy and practice. Put simply, it means finding, using and sharing what works in public health". [Evidence-informed decision-making: Information and tools [web-page]. Canadian Best Practices Portal. Accessed 2016 Aug]
"Evidence-informed public health involves integrating the best available research evidence into the decision-making process and using that evidence to inform and improve public health practice and policy. Additional factors – community health issues and local context; community and political preferences and actions; and public health resources – create the environment in which that research evidence is interpreted and applied".
A model for evidence-informed decision-making in public health. Fact sheet. 2012 - (National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools. Accessed 2016 Nov 10).
Further Reading
Evidence informed public policy - 'The major goal of EIPP development is to ensure that the experience, expertise and judgment of decision-makers is supported and resourced with the best available objective evidence and systematic research. Policy research is not expected to produce the solutions or decisions. It is meant to provide accurate, reliable and credible information, knowledge and analysis to inform public policy. The knowledge base it produces provides an important ingredient for the policy development process to reduce risk and improve outcomes, but it is not a substitute for the process. (Townsend T, Kunimoto B. Capacity, collaboration and culture: The future of the policy research function in the Government of Canada. [Canada]: Government of Canada. Policy Research Initiative. 2009 Mar. Available from: https://assembly.nu.ca/library/Edocs/2009/001235-e.pdf. Accessed Jul 7 2021).
SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health policymaking (STP)
Complete article series available from: Health Research Policy and Systems. 2009:7(Suppl 1)
Further reading
"The starting point for evidence-based management is that management decisions should be based on a combination of critical thinking and the best available evidence. And by "evidence", we mean information, facts, or data supporting (or contradicting) a claim, assumption or hypothesis. Evidence may come from scientific research, but internal business information, and even professional experience can count as "evidence". In principle, then, all managers base their decisions on 'evidence'."
Center for Evidence Based Management. What is evidence-based management? [Web-page]. Accessed 2016 Aug 15
Further reading